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Bear Plays Boogie
Bear says "Hi"
Composer Bear and bassist Mierkat founded the jazzy funk rock Motor Club in 2018. The album only took 3 years to make. Stream their debut, Black Eye, now!
News Flash!
Given certain restrictions, such as a world where dancing is forbidden and Bear breaking his hip socket in a freak Boxing Day accident, Bear (Luis Miguel Trapaga) and Mierkat (Gerry Mier) were pondering their musical options late 2018. Idea! Let's record the greatest album ever! The next 2, perhaps 3 years were spent writing, arranging and enticing musicians. First to join was Dr Riviera (aka Harry Rivers). Then Lewie (aka Ian Larissa) was lured into the Bear Cave.
First rehearsal was on the first Wednesday of 2021 at the Bear Cave, humidity 110%. Motor Club was born!
Then tragedy struck. Just prior to recording, Harry Rivers passed away. We didn't have the heart to continue until Ned Phillips (not his real name) stepped in on drums. By that stage Lewie had been kidnapped by aliens and Wayne McIntosh stepped in on guitar. Mike Rivett worked the saxaphone while Nikki Doll and Libby Brockenshire sang backing vocals!
Black Eye was the result.
The Bear Cave is now all "Avalon", with the addition of an Avalon 2044 Compressor and 2055 Equaliser to go with the 2022 Pre-Amp; Neuman mics, Burl Mothership soundcard and Protools complete the set-up. Plus a picture of Ganesha that lights up!
Motor Club World Premier on Sunday 14th at the Barrier Reef Hotel was a fabulous event! Thanks all who made it, you can tell your grandchildren you were there!

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